Sophisticated functionality – simple installation
Easy to use plug & drive system

- DIY installation in just a few steps
- No expertise necessary for installation
- No special tools necessary
- Vehicle-specific installation instructions
Every RaceChip product follows our plug & play principle, which means that you can install it yourself in just a few minutes. We believe that even complex and sophisticated products should be as easy as possible to use.
You'll receive vehicle-specific installation instructions with your order. Moreover, our technical support is always glad to assist you. Besides printed instructions, we also offer a large database of installation videos. VIEW VIDEOS
You can reset your vehicle to series configuration at all time
If it's necessary at some point
Whether chip tuning or accelerator tuning, our products can be reset at any time to return your vehicle to series configuration.

Quickly reset to series configuration
A blind plug is included with the product. If you wish to temporarily reset your vehicle to series configuration, then you can simply replace the module with the blind plug. The signal from the engine control unit will then be transmitted directly.

Complete reset to series configuration
If necessary, our chip tuning products can be completely removed in just a few steps – just like RaceChip installation, but in the reverse order (although we're sure that once you've experienced our products, you won't want to part with them again).
FAQ regarding installation
And the corresponding answers
What should I know about taking my vehicle to customer service at a garage?
We generally recommend completely removing the RaceChip module prior to service in order to allow the garage to provide service based on a series vehicle.
We also wish to point out that some manufacturers, when performing a readout of the vehicle's memory, also analyze relevant vehicle performance data, and in doing so they may try to determine whether a performance enhancement has been installed. In the case of OBD tuning (i.e. an active alteration of the manufacturer's software), the presence of a performance enhancement can be determined and verified. But with RaceChip technology (an additional control unit) the manufacturer's hardware and software remain unchanged. If chip tuning is not located in the engine, then the data can only hint at an electronic performance enhancement. Similar data can also be produced, in some cases, by series production deviations on the part of the manufacturer.
You don't have to do anything special for automotive service at the garage, as all of the manufacturer systems remain unchanged with performance enhancement from RaceChip.
The chip tuning can be easily re-installed after service. -
Does the diagnostic device show that performance enhancement has been installed?
No. A diagnostic device only reads out the data saved to the vehicle's own engine control unit. The RaceChip has absolutely no interaction with the engine control unit.
Sometimes diagnostic devices show error messages stemming from the control unit. However, these cannot be attributed to the installation of the RaceChip. -
Is it possible to install a RaceChip even without any technical know-how?
Yes. RaceChip products are designed for problem-free installation with the aid of our instructions and videos provided.
In some individual cases where users have issues, our customer service is available for advice. -
Do I need special tools for installation?
No. You can install RaceChip with no specialist mechanical know-how.
In rare cases the air filter box must be disassembled in order to reach the sensor. In these cases we recommend finding a garage if you don't have mechanical know-how. Special tools are not necessary for the actual installation of the chip. -
Where is the best place for the module in the engine compartment?
You should install RaceChip products according to installation instructions. Use the existing vehicle cable harness for the auxiliary cable harness. The module itself must be firmly attached and may not be attached on the following areas: Very hot components, strongly vibrating components, moist spaces
What do I do if I'm in doubt during installation?
Follow the instruction manual and check out available videos if needed. If in doubt, contact our customer service.
Can I send you pictures of my engine so that you can help me with installation?
If the pictures we provide are not helpful with assembly, then you can send us pictures of your engine so that we can mark the relevant plug for installation.
I didn't receive a vehicle-specific installation manual with my chip. Where can I get one?
Simply call or email our customer service, and we'll be happy to give you vehicle-specific photos.
The installation manual I received doesn't correspond to my engine. What should I do?
You can request vehicle-specific pictures from our customer services over the phone or by email if the instruction manual provided is not helpful.
Can you send me more installation pictures?
We will send you additional installation pictures from our customer service upon request.
Where can I find installation videos for my vehicle?
You'll find a number of vehicle-specific installation videos in our video databank. Our videos can be found here or directly on YouTube on the RaceChip channel.
Does RaceChip offer an installation service?
We do not offer an installation service. However if you contact our customer service, one of our technicians will gladly talk you through how to connect the cable harness and auxiliary device over the phone. This way you can perform the installation yourself within minutes. We are very proud that every customer can install RaceChip chip tuning products without any technical expertise.
Can I have the tuning box installed at RaceChip?
We do not offer this service. If your contact our customer service, one of our technicians will gladly talk you through how to connect the cable harness and auxiliary device over the phone. This way you can perform the installation yourself within minutes. We are very proud that every customer can install RaceChip chip tuning products without any technical expertise.
Can I have the module installed at a garage?
The RaceChip module can be installed at independent garages.
Can I damage anything when installing in my engine?
This cannot happen when you follow proper procedure. Our products are developed according to the Plug&Drive principle. This means that their functions may be complex, but installation should be as simple as possible. All of our products are delivered with extensive tips for installation.
What should I do if the included plug doesn't fit?
Please contact our technical customer support.
What should I do if the control plug doesn't illuminate, even though I'm sure I've done the installation correctly?
Please contact our technical customer support. If the LED does not light up, this can have various causes.
Can I remove the tuning and return my vehicle to series condition?
Yes! As soon as you've completely uninstalled the RaceChip product and all plug connections are connected in the original condition, then the vehicle is in series condition.
Is my vehicle really in series condition after uninstalling Racechip?
Yes. After full de-installation, there are no discernible signs that an additional device was installed in the engine bay.
A readout of the performance data from a vehicle memory can provide an indication that a performance enhancement was installed. However, this cannot give concrete evidence of the installation of an electronic performance enhancement that uses auxiliary boxes. In addition, this data is read out and assessed in the workshop by very few manufacturers. You can find more information in our Questions and Answers section under the Installation and Removal topic. Our Customer Service staff is of course also available to help and advise you.
Other types of tuning (e.g. OBD) overwrite the engine's control software directly, in a way that is recognizable. -
How do I remove the plug in the event of deinstallation?
The plug is affixed with a simple locking mechanism at the sensor. Loosen this latch and the plug can be pulled off easily.
Why does the manufacturer's plug look different from the plug you delivered?
Sometimes the plug delivered looks a little different than the vehicle's plugs. However, the plugs can still connect together without any problem and the technical function of the connector will not be affected because we use OEM quality plugs.
What should I do if the included plug doesn't fit?
Sometimes a manufacturer uses different connection types in a series. If this is the case for your vehicle, please contact our customer service. Then we can arrange to switch out the cable.